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Video Production Process

    • Careers in Video Production

      • Production Roles
      • Scriptwriter
      • Producer
        • A producer oversees the entire production from start to finish. Responsibilities include the research and development of ideas into project proposals, supporting the creative teams, and managing the finances and production schedule. As head supervisor, the producer has the ultimate control of a production.
      • Director
        • The director oversees the vision of a production. He or she is the person responsible for harnessing the artistic and dramatic aspects of the script, set, talent, and technical crew to achieve the final look and feel of a production.
        •  The Director: Crash Course Film ProductionYou Tube

      • Cinematographer
        • Cinematography is the art and craft of making motion pictures by capturing a story visually. Though, technically, cinematography is the art and the science of recording light either electronically onto an image sensor or chemically onto film.
        • Taken from the Greek for "writing with movement," cinematography is the creation of images you see on screen. A series of shots that form a cohesive narrative. Cinematography composes each shot, considering, where everything in frame demands attention.
        • The Cinematographer: Crash Course Film Production You Tube
        • Dissecting The Camera: Crash Course Film Production You Tube

      • Audio Technician
        • Audio technicians are responsible for all of the sound elements in a production. The audio technician performs mic checks on the set of a production to maintain an accurate audio balance. In audio post, he or she will harmoniously incorporate natural sound, music, sound effects, and voiceover treatments into the finished product.
        • Sound Production: Crash Course Film Production You Tube

      • Set Design
        • Literally, ‘mise-en-scene’ means “placing on stage.” But in film, mise-en-scene encompasses everything the camera is capturing. The artists and crafts-people who work in Production Design, Wardrobe, and Hair and Makeup are responsible for setting the stage of a film and making sure the characters fit on that stage. In this episode of Crash Course Film Production, Lily talks us through the roles involved in designing the world of a film.
        • Designing the World of Film: Crash Course Film ProductionYou Tube

      • Lighting Design
        • It's time to look at some of the most under-sung heroes of the film world, Grip and Electric. Doing everything from setting up dollies and tripods, to helping the cinematographer shape the light with flags and silks, the Grips are there to make it work properly. And when working with electricity (as pretty much ever film set does) you need experienced technicians to make sure you are doing it safely and that you'll have the power you'll need. Which is where the Electric department comes in.
        • Grip and Electric: Crash Course Film Production You Tube

      • Special Effects
        • Chances are, when you hear the phrase "Special Effects," you may have images pop into your mind. The Hulk smashing a city, a lightsaber fight, or maybe an alien world. But effects can be much more subtle and have been around really since the beginning of filmmaking. In this episode of Crash Course Film Production, Lily Gladstone talks about the basics of special effects.
        • Special Effects: Crash Course Film Production You Tube

      • Editor
      • Film School or Not
        • Should you go to film school? Great question? But there aren't necessarily a lot of direct answers. Do you want to go to Hollywood? Do you want to make movies in your spare time? Do you want to learn about world cinema? Do you want to be a director? A cinematographer? An editor? Do you want to pay for tuition? All of these questions can help you figure it out, but today Lily Gladstone will talk us through a few important things to keep in mind when deciding if film school may be right for you!
        • To Film School or Not To Film School: Crash Course Film ProductionYou Tube

      • Film School or Not
        • Should you go to film school? Great question? But there aren't necessarily a lot of direct answers. Do you want to go to Hollywood? Do you want to make movies in your spare time? Do you want to learn about world cinema? Do you want to be a director? A cinematographer? An editor? Do you want to pay for tuition? All of these questions can help you figure it out, but today Lily Gladstone will talk us through a few important things to keep in mind when deciding if film school may be right for you!
        • To Film School or Not To Film School: Crash Course Film ProductionYou Tube

      • Television Production
        • In our final episode of Crash Course Film Production, it's time to take a look at television production and how it differs from feature film production. It's subtle but it has a lot to do with how television shows make money for their many different types of platforms. So, strap in and get ready for a trip into the world of TV!
        • Television Production: Crash Course Film ProductionYou Tube


Additional Video Production & Cinematography Resources

Elemnts of Cinema FilmMakerIQ Rock jump Film School



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